My Beautiful Balikpapan

Assalammu Alaikum, Wr. Wb.Hi, my name is Rahma Azzahra. My age? I'm 13! Xixixi... Just kidding! I was born in Balikpapan, a small city in East Borneo, Indonesia. My City is so small. it size only 503.3057 Km. but it already reached International popularity and famous by the nickname The Oil City. The reason is this:Balikpapan was built around the only Oil Company in Indonesia, Pertamina. Long time ago it was only group of neighbourhood that existed to provided the need of the workers in the Company, but by the grown of oil industry around our city, where few major oil companies of the world based themselves at Balikpapan, the population had grown into small city. Balikpapan Today still listed in small City category, but I really proud saying, that Balikpapan is way different with others small cities in Indonesia.With the moves of these major international Oil Company such us Chevron and Total Indonesie to Balikpapan, working side by side with Pertamina Oil Company, based on their needs, many small supplying companies also moved and pop up in Balikpapan. It raised the popularity of oil Industry and keep inviting new company to join the crowds. These companies brought along their best employees and it increased the City achievement not just by number, but also by education. Based on City Development Indeks (CID)if compare with others small cities, Balikpapan take a lead by 97% educated people in community, which the average numbers for others are around 60-75%. Of course it also happened because our goverment really care about education.Isn't beautiful? Like you see here, we are placed near the beach. The heat sometimes really unbearable, but made playing in the beach become so much fun to do.I spent my younger time by playing around the beach alot. Usually we made a sand palace, playing in the water, searched for starfish, shellsfish or small crabs to collect, or just walking and enjoying the breeze. People also love to do jogs or Volley ball at the beach. Fresh air always good for lung, right?

Sometimes school brought us to the beach to do sport. In junior high I joint gymnastic's club and because we don't have Gym, we always practiced at the beach. We used the soft sands as our matrass and enjoyed the waves as our beat. Really great time! Unfortunately the beach today not as clean as before. The sand turned into grey because poluted by oil, also starfish and shellsfish hard to be found anymore. ;(But you can still enjoying the sunrise and sunset! Hehehe...

Enough for now. I will tell you more in my next post. Bye-bye.

Rahma Azzahra

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